Twisting Peacock Yoga

Welcome to Twisting Peacock Yoga

Thank you for choosing us for your yoga practice. We are a contemporary yoga studio in Osborne Park, Perth, Western Australia.

Our wish is to inspire as many people as possible onto the mat by creating a sense of all people being welcome, openness & community. The Twisting Peacock Yoga (TPY) studio is a hub of love, acceptance, peace, joy and friendship. We hope you will make it as much your sanctuary as it is ours.

Our Classes

All classes are open level with our teachers bringing their own flavour and a wealth of knowledge, making each class unique, sometimes dynamic, sometimes challenging, sometimes super chilled, always inspiring.

On offer at TPY are hot, power, vinyasa, yin, restorative, guided meditation and women’s only nude classes.Β We welcome the complete beginner through to the advanced yogi, with our classes a beautiful blend of all levels.

We hold workshops and retreats on weekends to deepen our practice and open our hearts and minds to the different aspects of yoga too and further create the sense of community.

We look forward to seeing you all in the studio soon.

Mel & the TPY Team xx

P.S. please note that in some of my (Mel’s) classes my little rescue hound Iggy Potato teaches with me. He is a friendly yogi dog that loves sharing his chilled vibe with all he meets..pats & cuddles welcome.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this country, the Whadjuk Noongar people, on which we practise.

We honour the Elders past, present and emerging.

We acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded. Always was, always will be aboriginal land.