Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to book my class?

It’s a good idea. Some of the classes are very popular.

TPY has an online booking system (Punch Pass) to make it easier. This way, you will also know your spot is confirmed. We understand that sometimes you don’t get a chance to book so you can always pop in and try your luck for a spot, but please note we cant squish people into class.

I don’t want to book online

Occasionally, we find people who don’t want to book online. That is fine and, of course, your choice.

However, please note we do not accept text, email or phone bookings, so if you choose not to book, you might want to check the bookings system to confirm the class is running.

Click HERE to see the classes for the day. If a class is not on, it will show as cancelled or will not be displayed at all. This will save you from driving to the studio unnecessarily.

How far in advance can I book classes?

Classes can be booked up to two weeks in advance. You can also make a recurring reservation.

What happens if I’m late?

The doors will be locked when the class commences and classes do start on time. There are two reasons for this: to keep your gear safe in the reception area, and because the beginning of any class is important.

If you arrive 10 minutes late you miss the warm up and put yourself at greater risk of injury aswell as interupt all the yogis who arrived on time.  Traffic can be frustrating so please take this into consideration when trying to get to class on time.

Also please dont bang on the door. This interrupts the beginning of class for everyone else.

What do I do for my first class?

New students must register prior to class starting. For your first class, come 15 minutes prior so we can get you signed up.

What should I wear?

Wear clothes that are comfortable, but not too baggy. We spend quite a lot of time with our head down and it can be annoying having your t-shirt (or jewellery) hanging over your head.

Should I bring anything?


From a hygiene point of view, many people like to use their own mats, so bring it along if you have one. If you forget or don’t have one for now, we do have mats available. It would be great if you can clean it after use. We have cleaning products in both the prop rooms.


Hot power yoga is a heated class so bring some water with you. We sell water ($4 cash only). Remember to hydrate through the day.

Towels and hand towels

For hot yoga classes, bring water, a towel that fits over your mat and maybe a hand towel to wipe the sweat (yes we’re okay if you wipe that stinging sweat out of your eyes). Hand towels are also good props for certain poses to help your reach. If you forget, towels can be hired from the studio for a gold coin donation.

Can I eat before class?

Yoga works not only on flexibility and strength but also on your digestive system, and therefore an empty stomach is recommended. We suggest not eating a substantial meal during the two or three hours before class.

Do I need to be flexible for yoga?

No – one of the most common misconceptions about yoga is that you need to be flexible. Asanas (postures) can be done at a range of levels, with your teacher providing adjustments to suit your flexibility.

It is important to listen to your body and work at your own level. Overstretching (and sometimes injury) most often occurs when we don’t listen and respect our bodies, and our ego gets involved, making us stretch further.

If practiced regularly, yoga will help your flexibility.

Why do I feel dizzy during class?

Sometimes we feel dizzy when we don’t breathe properly or we don’t drink enough water. In certain poses we can have a tendency to hold our breath, making us feel light headed. Pace your practice and remind yourself to breathe deeply through the class.

Eating too much before class or not having eaten for a long time and having low blood sugar can also cause dizziness.

I’m pregnant, can I come to class?

If you have been practising yoga for some time you may join our regular classes, but it’s advisable to check with your doctor first. If you haven’t practised yoga before, you should avoid practising during your first trimester.

Please note that many classes offered at TPY are vigorous and will heat the body and elevate your heart rate, sometimes quite considerably.  The hot yoga classes are heated up to 34 degrees Celsius and may not be suitable during pregnancy. Our non-heated Inspired flow,  yin and restorative classes are suitable for pregancy howver please seek professional advice before attedning.

Can I bring my children to yoga?

Classes are available to anyone over eighteen. Sixteen and seventeen-year-olds can attend, provided they have an adult with them.

Please note, you may not leave your children waiting in reception while you complete a class. TPY unfortunately doesn’t offer crèche services.

Do you have a FAR infrared (FIR) sauna?

We are a yoga studio with far infrared heating. We don’t have sauna facilities.

What do you do with lost property?

We love the fact that you’re blissed out on oxygen when you finish class, but unfortunately that sometimes means you leave things behind. That’s not a problem, but we don’t have space to keep your stuff forever.

So … we clear it out monthly and give it to an organisation that needs it like the Good Sammies or the Salvos. Please ask at reception if you’ve left something behind.