Faye Vaughan

From Dream Chaser to Star Gazer!

Hi I’m Faye, originally from Liverpool, Northwest of England, I left the fast paced world of corporate
banking& the grey sky’s behind in 2015, arriving in Perth searching for a better life and never left!
Here I am 2022, going from dream chaser to star gazer! Mummy to Jack, yoga fanatic, joining TYP as
a Yin Yoga Teacher, breathwork and meditation facilitator, Reiki Practitioner & Master NLP Coach.

After living a very fast past life for too many years, my life’s mantra is all about BALANCE.

Lover of all thing’s science and spirit, forever learning and growing my book collection!

My love for yoga began 16 years ago when my friend took me along to my first retreat, at the
beginning I was in it for the physical aspect, loving how it strengthened my body. Then as my
practice began to deepen, so did my relationship to self and I quickly realised yoga was so much

Yoga has helped me navigate through some tough life challenges, giving me a greater sense of
peace, clarity & compassion…..basically keeping me sane in the madness and making me a much
nicer human!

I’d always been go go go but as I started to slow down and adjust to my new life, 7 years ago (2016)
I attended one of Mel’s Yin classes TYP and my appreciation for Yin began.

In today’s very yang fast paced lives, Yin gives you the space to slow down and turn inwards, with its
gentle & slower pace it encourages you to tune in across all levels – the physical, mental, emotional
and energetical on a deeper level. With longer holds, you get the opportunity to observe, to feel, to
release, to soften, to sit with your thoughts as they arise, to finding comfort in the discomfort, which
is something you get to take with you off the mat.

I truly believe that each time you come to the mat, you get to create space to receive the good stuff
and leave something behind that no longer serves you and also gain all the physical benefits as

I absolutely LOVE doing what I do, it’s such an honour and privilege to hold space and guide you to
go within, to connecting more deeply with self, creating an environment for balance to exist, for life
to flow, moving you towards a life filled with more LOVE and PEACE.